About the Maryland NLG

The National Lawyers Guild (“the Guild” or “NLG”) was founded in 1937 as the first integrated bar association in the country by a coalition of progressive and radical lawyers and jurists. From its inception, Guild members advocated legal values that emphasized human rights over property rights. In 1973, the Guild opened membership to non-lawyers, and today continues to link like-minded legal advocates and political organizers in an extensive network of public interest and human rights activists.  As an organization, the NLG is committed to changing in the structure of our political and economic system in order to challenge inequality, racism, and discrimination in all its forms. For more on the NLG’s history, especially including its support of People’s movements from the 1930s until the present, please click here.

The Maryland Chapter takes on the work of the national NLG  at the local level. While our chapter has historically been small, we are rapidly growing and playing an active part in fights for justice around Maryland. We seek new members who share our commitment to fight discrimination, economic oppression, and injustice. Collectively, we in Maryland can be a persuasive vehicle for social change: not only advocating for the impoverished, the disadvantaged and victims of systemic discrimination, but to change the very system that oppresses them in the first place. Click here to see the plan which the Maryland Chapter adopted in 2017 to govern our basic structure.

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(410) 304-6343
